< [:en]Top 5 music festivals taking place in south Africa[:] - EXO MIX
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[:en]Top 5 music festivals taking place in south Africa[:]


Attending a festival in the south of the African continent is ideal for discovering horizons that are still too little known, while dancing to good music!

AfrikaBurn in South Africa

The AfrikaBurn is the famous Burning Man, exported to Africa. It is in the Karoo desert in South Africa that the AfrikaBurn festival has been taking place for 9 years now. It is the meeting point of art, music and dance. No artist is put forward for this festival: everyone is an artist in their own right.

Bushfire in Swaziland

Bushfire welcomes more than 25 000 people each year from more than 60 different countries. African music is the mainstay of this Swaziland festival, which also touches on African culture, environment and arts.

Sauti za Busara in Zanzibar

The Sauti za Busara festival, which means ‘sounds of wisdom’, takes place in Zanzibar. Several hundreds of artists are expected each year for this festival of African music, which is considered to be the largest in East Africa.

Lake of Stars in Malawi

The Lake of Stars is an international festival that takes place every year for three days at the end of September on the shores of Lake Malawi. This festival offers debates, martial arts, dance and music for all tastes.

Vic Falls Carnival in Zimbabwe

The first Vic Falls Carnival took place in 2009, and has been held annually since 2011 at the end of December in Zimbabwe to close the year with music and sports. All genres are represented during three days, from African music to electro-pop.

Source: www.spinpalace.com
